2020@ euro-par.org
The 26th edition of Euro-Par will be a virtual conference. Participation for non-speakers is free of charge. We ask you to register to be able to interact with speakers and other participants.
Block your calendars: The main program is scheduled for 26-28 August afternoons CET/mornings EST and the workshops for 24-25 August. We plan a strong technical program (39 papers selected from 159 submissions); three excellent keynotes (by Geoffrey Fox, Ewa Deelman and Piotr Sankowski); panel discussions; mentoring sessions; and coffee breaks.
The conference will use the Zoom webinar for talks. This webinar will be transmitted to a YouTube livestream. Slack will be our main communication platform to ask questions and interact with other participants (register to get an account).
Each accepted paper will be presented as a 12-14 minutes pre-recorded video presentation immediately followed by a live question and answer session with the author(s), moderated by a session chair. The videos will be available a few days before the conference so that you can prepare your questions in advance.
Welcome words from Marek Kisiel-Dorohinicki (Head of the Department of Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology) and letter from Paweł Strzelecki (Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, University of Warsaw).
Euro-Par detailed programme announced
Springer LCNS proceedings published
Live transmissions and videos
Euro-Par is the prime European conference covering all flavors of parallel and distributed processing. Euro-Par proceedings are published by Springer in the LNCS series.The main audience of Euro-Par are the researchers in academic institutions, government laboratories and industrial organisations. Euro-Par's objective is to be the primary choice of such professionals for the presentation of new results in their specific areas. Euro-Par’s unique organization into topics provides an excellent forum for focused technical discussion, as well as interaction with a large, broad and diverse audience. In addition, Euro-Par conferences provide a platform for a number of accompanying, technical workshops for smaller and emerging communities.
A full week of scientific events including workshops, posters, and tutorials:
- from theory to practice,
- from multi-core processors to accelerators, supercomputers and clouds,
- from fundamental algorithmic problems to systems and tools,
- from applications in computational sciences, to machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Key dates
10 February 2020 | 21 February 2020 | 24-25 August 2020: | 26-28 August 2020: |

University of Warsaw is the largest and one of the leading Polish universities. It has over 44,000 students and over 3,500 faculty members. The main organizer will be the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics (MIM UW). The Faculty employs approximately 200 research and teaching staff, including over 30 full and over 40 associate professors. There are approximately 1300 BSc and MSc students, and 100 PhD students. The faculty maintains the highest (A+) rank among the Polish scientific institutes. The faculty’s students won numerous awards at programming competitions (ICPC 2019 and 2017: gold medal; 2015: bronze medal). Since 2007, 5 ERC Starting and 2 ERC Consolidator grants were awarded to MIM faculty.

AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków is one of the best Polish technical universities. It educates students in 54 fields of studies, including over 200 specializations run at 16 faculties and employing teaching and research staff of about 2000 persons (including about 200 full professors). The Department of Computer Science of the Faculty of Computer Science, Electronics and Telecommunications (A+ rank), employs over 80 teaching and research staff and educates about 1000 students. Research directions include scalable distributed systems, intelligent systems, knowledge management and support for life sciences.